Congratulations to Carla, our Jersey Mike's Sub of the Week! We appreciate Carla and her commitment to the District!
4 days ago, Heather Lilyquist
Congratulations to Carla, our Jersey Mike's substitute teacher of the week, we appreciate Carla's contributions to the District.
Please join us in recognizing our amazing School Counselors!
6 days ago, Heather Lilyquist
It is National School Counseling Week!    Please join us in recognizing the contribution of our school counselors to the School District. Our counselors have a significant impact in enhancing  students’ academic, career and social/emotional development.  Our counselors partner with teachers and other educators to provide an educational system where students can realize their potential and set healthy, realistic and optimistic aspirations for themselves. Our counselors are an integral part of our District!  Thank you to this amazing team!
It's Career & Technical Education (CTE) Month! We appreciate our SFHS CTE Educators!
8 days ago, Heather Lilyquist
It's Career & Technical Education (CTE) Month!  We appreciate our SFHS CTE Educators! Career and Technical Education (CTE) Month® is celebrated annually, hosted by the association for career & technical education (ACTE) and sponsored by the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB).  February celebrates the accomplishments of CTE programs and the importance of CTE for students. CTE programs prepare students for high-wage, high-skill and high-demand careers.
Open Enrollment for the 2025-26 School Year starts Monday, February 3rd!!! The inter-district public school Open Enrollment program allows parents to apply for their children to attend public school in a school district other than the one in which they reside or to remain in their current district in the event that they move out of the district before the start of the 2025-26 school year (Moving? See HERE for more information on remaining in the District through the school year). Open Enrollment will allow student(s) to continue attending school in the School District of Sheboygan Falls. Please call Lisa Berg at 920-467-7893 for additional information or check the Department of Public Instruction Website at: (also check the 2025-26 Open Enrollment Regular Application Period Brochure). There is no tuition cost for students participating in the Open Enrollment program, but parents are responsible for transporting their student(s) to and from school. The open enrollment period for the 2025-26 school year is from February 3rd until 4:00 p.m. on April 30th, 2025.    Applications must be done on the DPI (Department of Public Instruction) website at A link to this site will also be available on the school web site during the application period at: The DPI website will be active from February 3rd until 4:00 p.m. on April 30th, 2025.   If you anticipate a possible move out of the School District of Sheboygan Falls, please complete the Open Enrollment application as soon as possible. You have the right to cancel your application at any time and are not bound to enrollment. If you are currently attending under a Tuition Waiver, you will need to complete an Open Enrollment application for the upcoming school year.
9 days ago, Heather Lilyquist
Open Enrollment
Congratulations to Amy, our Jersey Mike's Sub of the Week! We appreciate your contribution to the District, Amy!
11 days ago, Heather Lilyquist
Photo of Amy Krull, our Jersey Mike's substitute teacher of the week for the week of January 27th
Congratulations to Margaret, our Jersey Mike's Sub of the Week! Thank you, Margaret, for your commitment to the District!
17 days ago, Heather Lilyquist
Margaret VerVelde - the School District's substitute teacher for the week of January 20th, 2025
Revised and Reduced Facilities Plan Finalized for April 1, 2025 Ballot: One Referendum Question Proposed to Address Critical Needs & School Improvements On Thursday evening, January 16th, the Sheboygan Falls School Board voted to present School District voters with a significantly revised facilities referendum on Tuesday, April 1, 2025. The proposed single question referendum project provides urgent space and critical capital improvement needs at the Elementary School and addresses safety, aging building systems, and outdated, inefficient learning spaces at the High School.  In direct response to voter feedback, the revised facilities plan has been reduced to a not-to-exceed total project cost of $70 million. The School Board has eliminated the second question proposed in November 2024, which included building a new auxiliary gym, new multi-sport field, and new track for $21.5 million. They have reduced the first question focused on Elementary and High School improvements by more than $8 million by removing space for childcare and further prioritizing projects at both buildings. The proposed $70 million project includes the highest-priority projects, focused on providing space at the Elementary School, investing in existing buildings, and improving learning environments. “As a District, we feel it very important to return to our community with a revised plan that demonstrates we have heard them, and that we have listened,” noted District Administrator Zach Pethan. “The immediate facility and space needs we have at the elementary and high schools are not going away and neither is our goal to create facilities that align with our promise to Expect the Exceptional in Sheboygan Falls.” Revised project highlights at the Elementary School include: * Building a classroom addition (reduced size) for 4-year-old kindergarten and before/after school programs only, freeing up more space in the existing building for kindergarten through grade 4. The childcare program has been eliminated. * Targeted renovations to the existing kindergarten area and kitchen * Completing critical capital improvement projects including window and roof section replacements, mechanical system updates, kitchen equipment replacement, new playgrounds, and improving site drainage Revised project highlights at the High School include: * Completing critical capital improvement projects including window, door and roof section replacements, mechanical, electrical and plumbing system updates, flooring, ceiling, paint, casework and lighting upgrades * Renovations to improve safety and address accessibility issues, including physical security modifications to allow sections of the building to be controlled after school hours, repairing the failing weight room floor and relocating the fitness center away from the middle of the school to control community access, replacing the elevator and existing stairs, adding a fire sprinkler system, and improving restrooms * Renovations of outdated, existing learning areas, including science labs, former computer labs, special education, and other small group classroom areas * Building a Career & Technical Education (CTE) addition ((reduced size) with appropriately sized classrooms and flexible labs to meet growing student program demands (culinary, woods, metals, robotics, agriculture, fabrication/grill, engineering/drafting, etc.) * Building a safer, more accessible student & community fitness center (reduced size) that is no longer in the center of the building and relocating tennis courts displaced by CTE addition * Renovations to the existing competition gym and locker rooms The revised total project cost of $70M (reduced from $99.8M for both questions) translates to an estimated annual maximum tax rate for debt increase of $0.25 per $1,000 of equalized (or fair market) property value compared to the 2024 tax bill. That means that, if the referendum project is approved, for every $100,000 of property value, property owners would see an increase of $25 per year. For example, a property valued at $250,000 would note an estimated increase of $62.50 per year or approximately $5.21 per month. Preliminary financing estimates are based on a phased borrowing approach, with interest rates estimated at 4.75% to 5% for tax-exempt municipal bonds. Taxpayers would note this increase on their 2026 tax bill, which will be sent to property owners in December 2025. The School District of Sheboygan Falls will continue to provide more information about the revised plan and proposed work at both schools in the coming weeks through a variety of communication channels prior to the April 1, 2025 Spring General Election. For immediate information, please don’t hesitate to contact District Administrator Zach Pethan directly at or 920-467-7893 or visit the district website at
18 days ago, Heather Lilyquist
Vote April 1st, 2025
Reminder: Join friends, family, and staff of the School District of Sheboygan Falls for a fun night out with the Wisconsin Herd! More information can be found here:
18 days ago, Heather Lilyquist
Join friends, family, and staff of the School District of Sheboygan Falls for a fun-filled night out with the Wisconsin Herd on January 29th.
The School District of Sheboygan Falls will be closed on January 21st for the entire day. This is a traditional snow/cold day, and there will be no virtual learning. All after school activities at the Middle School are cancelled. All after school activities at the High School WILL TAKE PLACE AS SCHEDULED.
20 days ago, Lisa Berg
School is closed
Hear a message from Superintendent Zach Pethan here:
23 days ago, Heather Lilyquist
Superintendent Zach Pethan January 17th, 2025 Message
Congratulations to Yvette, our Jersey Mike's Sub of the Week! Thank you, Yvette, for your contributions to the District!
25 days ago, Heather Lilyquist
Congratulations to Yvette Scherer, our Jersey Mike's Sub of the Week for the week of January 13th, 2025!  Thank you, Yvette, for your contributions to the District!
Join friends, family, and staff of the School District of Sheboygan Falls for a fun night out with the Wisconsin Herd! More information can be found here:
about 1 month ago, Heather Lilyquist
Join friends, family, and staff of the School District of Sheboygan Falls for a fun-filled night out with the Wisconsin Herd on January 29th.
Happy New Year from the SDSF!
about 1 month ago, Heather Lilyquist
New Year
The School District of Sheboygan Falls will start 2 hours late today.
about 2 months ago, Lisa Berg
2 hour late start
All after-school and Recreation Department activities have been cancelled for today, Thursday, December 19th.
about 2 months ago, Lisa Berg
After School Activities Cancelled
Many Key Club members chose to be Secret Santas for residents of Pine Haven. Students fulfilled 81 holiday wishes this year! Thank you to all students who participated in bringing joy to others!
about 2 months ago, Janis Jarosch
Join us for tonight's Board of Education meeting!
about 2 months ago, Heather Lilyquist
BOE Meeting
Sheboygan Falls FBLA needs you! SFHS FBLA will host the Region 6 Leadership Conference on Saturday, February 1st, 2025. Over 600 students from many of our neighboring counties will compete in over 30 events. Over 60 judges are needed! Please consider signing up as a judge here:
2 months ago, Mike Nikson
Sign Up to Be a Judge FBLA Image
What witll FBLA judging entail image